FEBRUARY COURSE OFFER - save up to 35% on AAT Course Package fees

ICB Level 4 Diploma In Bookkeeping & Accounting

Entry Requirements

Full membership of ICB

ICB Exams: L4FS, L4CT, L4SAT & L4BI

The ICB now offer a study & experience route to Fellow Membership and below you’ll find the Level 4 Certificate options that will contribute toward this. By completing three of the four exam options within this level you will be awarded the Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Bookkeeping and Accounting.

We can provide a structured, fully tutor supported study option for these elements of study, greatly enhancing your chances of exam success.

These advanced elements will ensure you have a wider grasp of management & financial accounting, where taxation is also covered comprehensively. On completion, you will have greater responsibility within the completion of accounts for incorporated business (limited companies).

If you are self-employed as a bookkeeper, the Financial Statements and Corporation Tax qualifications will permit you to prepare and submit accounts for micro entities and small businesses under the financial reporting standards form FRS105 and FRS102 (section 1a), without the help of an accountant.
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If you wish to gain the full Level 4 Diploma qualification our combined course package, is the most cost effective way, where you can save 25% on fees.

There are three core elements within this course of study:
There is a final exam at the end of each of the above modules and all are completed from home. Each individual subject is a Level 4 Certificate qualification in its own right and will cover your ICB CPD requirement for one year. If you have complete three of the above, you will be awarded the overall Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Bookkeeping & Accounting qualification.
Our exam pass guarantee should give you all the assurance you need that we’ll do all we can to ensure you are preparing fully for ALL exams.

ICB1005 ICB Level 4 Certificate - Self-Assessment Taxation Returns


An ideal course for those who are already proficient in bookkeeping and are looking to improve their skill set and aiming to provide a valuable, additional service to current or prospective clients.
Enrol today with a £113 Deposit

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ICB1010 ICB Level 4 Certificate - Financial Statements


This course offers full tuition and support for the second module of the ICB Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Bookkeeping and Accounting.
Enrol today with a £113 Deposit

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ICB1015 ICB Level 4 Certificate - Corporation Tax Returns (FRS105 + FRS102 (Section 1A)


This course offers full tuition and support for the second module of the ICB Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Bookkeeping and Accounting.
Enrol today with a £113 Deposit

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ICB1035 ICB Level 4 Certificate - Business Insight


This course offers full tuition and support for this ICB Level 4 Certificate option, covering advanced aspects of vital business control procedures.
Enrol today with a £113 Deposit

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ICB1025 ICB Level 4 Certificate: Financial Statements and Corporation Tax


This course offers full tuition and support for first two units of the ICB Level 4 Diploma in Advanced Bookkeeping and Accounting award. On completion of this package you can complete and submit accounts and tax submissions for Micro and Small Businesses under FRS105 and FRS102 (Section 1A)
Enrol today with a £112 Deposit

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ICB1100 ICB Level 4 Diploma - The Complete Package


This course package includes the four elements required to gain the highest level of qualification available via ICB. Each element is available individually but by committing to the full level of study you will SAVE 30% on the overall course fees.
Enrol today with a £113 deposit

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