New Year - New Career: Our friendly & highly experienced team will help you achieve your goals
14th July 2017
Business Confidence - Part 1 It isn't easy to make the leap from a bookkeeping student with all the relevant theory to being a practicing bookkeeper.

It isn’t easy to make the leap from a bookkeeping student with all the relevant theory to being a practicing bookkeeper. Many factors make this so but a huge challenge is finding the self-belief to follow your dream, as well as the confidence to approach potential clients and sell yourself. We are hoping these hints and tips might help you start thinking about this crucial aspect of your new career:

Think hard on your qualifications
This WAS an achievement. This WAS something to be proud of. This shows that you DO have the knowledge to back up any claims you make. It’s important not to diminish what you’ve done and to use it as the foundation of building your new career. What you’re considering isn’t fanciful at all…it’s based on the reality of your own hard work.

2. Get paper and a pen and then write down the following:
“If I was confident and had a strong self-image and confidence in my abilities I would get my career started…”

Write down whatever comes to mind, then turn over sheet and leave it a while as you grab a coffee. Go back and select at least two items (more preferably!) and make them actual goals…write down:

“I will get my career started….” And then add in what you’d written down previously as a ‘wish list’ It’s now a ‘to do’ list.

3. T
hink like someone who is confident already

King Solomon: “As a man thinketh so shall he be”.

It’s important to project a positive image and a huge part of this is being confident and professional even though you may not always feel like that person inside. Try and make a list of sentences which you can use which are all positive when considering your business and its growth: “I can…” “I want….” “I will….” “I can see this happening….”.

Also think – in a business sense – of things you won’t do or say from now on:

  • Put yourself down around clients or in a professional environment
  • Say you can’t do things
  • Say that what you want is ‘impossible’
  • Say that you can’t learn or adapt as you get older