New Year - New Career: Our friendly & highly experienced team will help you achieve your goals
3rd July 2018
Christine Aplin Continuing to learn is important to me, and I think it is great that Ideal Schools....

Christine has found significant growth in her practice by studying the following course:

For some, bookkeeping is a means to an end, a way to work for oneself and find a happy balance between working and living. For others, it’s part of a journey into lifelong learning, and a chance to improve a business as well as enhancing skills.

For Southampton bookkeeper, Christine Aplin, it was an opportunity to turn almost two decades of corporate banking experience into a lifetime of ‘upskilling’ by adding more and more strings to her bow.

After a bout of ill health, Christine took voluntary redundancy from the bank, taking a sabbatical with the intention of returning to the world of corporate banking. However, the idea of working at her own pace appealed, and she started her practice, Caplin Bookkeeping in September 2017.

Christine said: “The practice was a natural progression for me, with all my experience of banking and my aptitude for numbers. While I was attracting a lot of sole traders for end of year accounts and bookkeeping, I felt there was a gap in the market for providing services to small limited companies. Companies were contacting me regularly, asking if I could complete end of year accounts for them, and the FRS105 course was a natural fit.

“I found Ideal Schools online, and its approach suited me perfectly. It was not just the support both when I was studying and when I was sitting the exams, I was very impressed with the aftercare and support for alumna. I didn’t feel that its interest lasted until it had my money, I felt the people there genuinely cared that I should succeed.”

Being able to prepare end of year accounts for micro-entities has resulted in a significant boost for Caplin Bookkeeping, with 7 new clients this year, and more prospects approaching Christine every week. She is continuing to grow the business and to improve her own skills.

“As soon as I can find the time, I’ll return to Ideal Schools for the Preparing Final Accounts course, and the new small limited company course once it is released.  Continuing to learn is important to me, and I think it is great that Ideal Schools offer so many additional courses to enable bookkeepers to enhance their knowledge base and expand their services and practices.” 

“For people wanting to start their own business, there’s a decision to be made on whether to be a sole trader or a limited company. Completing the end of year accounts, and paying the accountancy cost can be a big part of that decision. If more bookkeepers are able to offer these services under FRS105 then that could have an impact on their decision.”