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21st December 2018
Emily Darnton "I decided that the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers’ (ICB) qualification was best for me...."

Emily (Emi) Darnton made great use of her first maternity leave: “I decided to re-train and get qualified in skills that would enable me to set-up in business for myself”, she said.

The 40-year-old mother of two, who grew up in Hamble but now lives in Moreton in Marsh in the heart of the Cotswolds, had worked in a variety of roles. Latterly, she works in her husband, Russell’s, business, High Road Balloons, which runs the Virgin Hot Air Balloon franchise for the West Midlands.

“I decided that the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers’ (ICB) qualification was best for me and was looking for a recommended training provider on a distance learning basis. Ideal Schools came up trumps”, she said.

“I first spoke to Brian McVean, (a leading Ideal Schools tutor), in 2009 and started studying until my second child came along. I took a break, then went back to qualify as a Member of the ICB. I was then ready to start up as a sole trader.

“I was delighted in April 2018 to be made a Fellow of the ICB, something that makes me very proud and highlights, I think, the successful career journey I have made with the help of Ideal Schools”.

Emi had been running her practice, I Love Admin, since 2015 as a sole trader. She continues to subscribe to Ideal Schools’ courses and plans to complete its SAT – tax for the self-employed - module as well as the FRS105 module.

Business is currently good. I Love Admin Ltd, which looks after clients’ accounting and other business records, was incorporated in September 2016.

“I have a full complement of clients and life is a balancing act between keeping their records bang up-to-date, my two children, with work often being done between drop-offs and pick-ups as well as looking after the admin and finances of my husband’s ballooning business.

“I plan to expand my practice though I am a bit reticent about the responsibilities of employing people but as I am currently at peak capacity I realise, however, that I will soon need to make that move.

“On the other hand, I’m ambitious that I Love Admin LTD should fulfil its potential and I remain grateful to Ideal Schools for helping give me the skills, and the confidence, to make that happen”.