New Year - New Career: Our friendly & highly experienced team will help you achieve your goals
2nd August 2016
Veronica Vladiuc AAT Member & Student

Courses Completed: AAT Levels 2 & 3

IDEAL Schools' AAT Student of the Year 2016

The international nature of online learning has meant that Ideal Schools has given people from all across the world the opportunity to develop skills in the field of bookkeeping. In the case of Veronica Vladiuc, originally hailing from Moldova, it was a life-line.

Having achieved a Bachelor’s degree in Finance in her native country, Mrs Vladiuc had transferred to the UK with her husband and two young children, and found herself a full time job. 

With a two hour commute on top of full time employment, and a young family to take care of, the idea of taking on a residential college course was simply too much to fit into the day.

This was where Ideal Schools came to the rescue.  She filled the otherwise wasted time of the commute with her online learning, and Mrs Vladiuc was able to work the study into every spare moment.

She is now a member of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). She describes Ideal Schools as “Like having 24/7 tutor support to help me understand. They were so helpful when my grasp of the language failed me.”Mrs Vladiuc said: “I did a lot of research before signing up with Ideal Schools and I am really pleased to say that I made the right choice as they offer a great value for money and excellent tutorial support.

“The staff are friendly and helpful. My assessments are marked very quickly and with useful comments. I am glad to say that I have a great experience with Ideal Schools and I will definitely recommend them.”

“Although it was quite challenging at the beginning to learn something in another language, once involved in the studying process I became more confident and have improved my English.

“I am still using the dictionary from time to time and have to translate the answers and thoughts from my own language to English and making sure that sense does not get lost in translation.

“Since passing the exams for the AAT with Ideal Schools, I’ve got my dream job working the accounts for a fashion and design company. I am planning on taking my accountancy further, and am looking to achieve Chartered Accountant status, and go into practice for myself.

“I don’t think I could have such ambitions, or have achieved so much, without the support and diligence Ideal Schools have given me.”